Man and woman as tourists looking at a map

Book travel insurance for guests & vacationers online

Health, accident, and liability insurance coverage for foreign guests & tourists in Germany/Austria

You are visiting Germany or Austria as a guest or tourist, wanting to get to know the country and its people, see the sights, meet friends or relatives?
We have developed insurance coverage tailored to your needs so you can enjoy your stay with peace of mind.

Travellers to Germany/Austria

from 1.20 per Day (36.00 €/month)

You receive your confirmation of insurance for submission to public authorities directly after the closing. It exceeds the official requirements for issuing a visa – including the Schengen visa.

(✓ = is included, X = is not included)

Premium overview

1st – 12th month Premium
3-40 years € 1.20
41-60 years € 1.60
61-69 years € 2.90
over 70 years from € 3.50

Your advantages

  • Daily premiums
    We offer innovative daily premiums. So you only pay for the exact duration of the planned stay.
  • Billing accurate to the day
    Excess premium payments are refunded if the insurance contract ends prematurely.
  • Direct settlement with doctors and hospitals
    With all rates: No duty to pay in advance. We have direct billing with doctors and hospitals
  • Refund of premiums
    With the PREMIUM rate: One monthly premium after min. 12-month term without claims.
  • Everything from one source
    From the application to contract management to support in case of a claim – our experienced team handles everything for you.
  • Recognized for visas and residence permits
    The insurance coverage exceeds the official requirements for issuing a visa – including the Schengen visa.
  • Vacation trips
    Insurance coverage worldwide for up to 6 weeks for vacation trips.